METU Staff Folk Dancing Society (PERHOT) started their activities with the Artvin folk dance during the fall semester of the 2006-2007 academic year with the participation of 15 METU staff initially with sportive intentions. Later, with the increase in the number of members, it held its first General Board on 12 December, 2009 with 42 members and defined the Regulations of the Society and its administrative organs. After the Society’s Regulations were approved by the University, it took its place in the METU culture as the first official society founded by METU staff under the name of METU Staff Folk Dancing Society (PERHOT).
Since its establishment, PERHOT has displayed a magnificent performance each year, each of which was greatly admired. The increase in the number of its members is an indication of the admiration it received for its performances.
Let’s support and foster the PERHOT family, who wholeheartedly strive to be a “model” with the METU culture! We have infinite faith that our effectiveness will multiply with your existence.